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Louisville Grows


Public & Societal Benefit Food, Agriculture & Nutrition Environment Community Improvement & Capacity Building


Louisville Grows is an environmental, 501©3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to Grow greener, healthier neighborhoods. Our vision is to foster green, just and sustainable communities in Louisville. Our programs focus on urban forestry, urban agriculture and urban sustainability. Louisville Grows works in solidarity with community residents to create a more just and sustainable community through urban agriculture, urban forestry, and environmental education. Social justice is a key component of all Louisville Grows work in the community and we strive to ensure the fair treatment of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups, and our programs suppordisproportionately affected neighborhoods in Louisville’s urban core. We work with communities throughout Louisville to identify and meet neighborhood needs, such as increasing the urban tree canopy, providing resources to establish, manage and sustain community gardens and orchards, and managing regular citizen volunteer training and environmental educational workshops.

Additional Info

Urban Forestry Program - Our neighborhood-based reforestation program focuses on rebuilding the tree canopy in neighborhoods with the greatest declining number of urban trees. We work with neighborhood groups and partners to plant trees with residents and stakeholders in these neighborhoods. Our trained Citizen Foresters work with the community to build capacity in urban forest management and stewardship.


Urban Agriculture Program - Our main focus with community gardens is to build capacity within the gardens by providing technical assistance, education and infrastructure. Through our annual Fundraiser, Seed and Starts Sale, we are able to offer Community Garden Grants in late fall of each year to support these capacity building endeavors.


Healthy House – All programming, workshops and classes hosted at Healthy House focuses on healthy living, healthy eating, environmental education or environmental equity. Programming includes: Urban Homesteading Certificate course, Sprouting Cooks, Fruit and Boot Camp, art openings for local artists, food preservation workshop and community yoga classes.


Our outreach extends to all of Jefferson County and Southern Indiana. However our focus audience is on serving 21 neighborhoods in west and south Louisville who are most impacted by the Urban Heat Island Effect due to the loss of their tree canopy. 


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